Plant Finder Search For More Plants View My Wish List Wish List Help Results 61 to 70 of 414 Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page 61 Add To MyWish List Crimson Beauty Flowering Quince Chaenomeles x superba 'Crimson Beauty' Plant Type: shrub Height: 5 feet Spread: 5 feet Sunlight: full sun A compact shrub with radiant crimson flowers in spring, a profuse bloomer; a single-season plant, good for general garden use and... 62 Add To MyWish List Golden Showers Lawson Falsecypress Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'Golden Showers' Plant Type: shrub Height: 10 feet Spread: 8 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A spectacular smaller growing cultivar featuring luminous gold foliage over underlying blue-green older foliage; conical in shape... 63 Add To MyWish List Confucius Hinoki Falsecypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Confucius' Plant Type: shrub Height: 10 feet Spread: 10 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun Bright golden foliage with whip-like tips and darker yellow-green on the inside; dense evergreen foliage forms a broad pyramid; a... 64 Add To MyWish List Fernspray Hinoki Falsecypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Filicoides' Plant Type: shrub Height: 10 feet Spread: 4 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun Dark green sprays of ferny foliage grow in dense clumps on a pyramidal habit of growth; a perfect choice as a residential... 65 Add To MyWish List Slender Hinoki Falsecypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Gracilis' Plant Type: shrub Height: 15 feet Spread: 10 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A graceful addition to any home landscape, this small accent tree features finely-textured deep green foliage all season long on... 66 Add To MyWish List Slender Hinoki Falsecypress (tree form) Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Gracilis (tree form)' Plant Type: shrub Height: 6 feet Spread: 3 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A graceful addition to any home landscape, this small accent tree features finely-textured deep green foliage all season long on... 67 Add To MyWish List Nana Dwarf Hinoki Falsecypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana' Plant Type: shrub Height: 10 feet Spread: 10 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A truly graceful garden evergreen, featuring delicate sprays of soft sea green foliage held in horizontal layers along an upward... 68 Add To MyWish List Nana Compacta Hinoki Falsecypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Nana Compacta' Plant Type: shrub Height: 5 feet Spread: 5 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A graceful addition to any home landscape, this small accent tree features very finely-textured green foliage all season long on... 69 Add To MyWish List Tempelhof Falsecypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Tempelhof' Plant Type: shrub Height: 12 feet Spread: 10 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A real natural beauty, this is a compact evergreen shrub with dense sprays of solid green foliage held horizontally; slow growing... 70 Add To MyWish List Verdoni Gold Hinoki Falsecypress Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Verdoni Gold' Plant Type: shrub Height: 5 feet Spread: 3 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A graceful addition to any home landscape, this small accent tree features very finely-textured light green foliage tipped in... << 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 >> Site Map | Site Map XML A NetPS Plant Finder tool