Plant Finder Search For More Plants View My Wish List Wish List Help Results 701 to 710 of 869 Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page 701 Add To MyWish List Red Knock Out® Rose Rosa 'Red Knock Out' Plant Type: shrub Height: 3 feet Spread: 3 feet Sunlight: full sun One of the most popular roses in the world today, primarily due to its low maintenance, superior disease resistance and... 702 Add To MyWish List Rio Samba Rose Rosa 'Rio Samba' Plant Type: shrub Height: 4 feet Spread: 4 feet Sunlight: full sun Stunning bright yellow blooms that are edged in orange give a constant show all season, and are long lasting in the garden or... 703 Add To MyWish List Showbiz Rose Rosa 'Showbiz' Plant Type: shrub Height: 4 feet Spread: 24 inches Sunlight: full sun Exciting clusters of illuminating scarlet flowers will stand out in your landscape with this wonderful hardy and vigorous... 704 Add To MyWish List Tahitian Sunset Rose Rosa 'Tahitian Sunset' Plant Type: shrub Height: 5 feet Spread: 4 feet Sunlight: full sun A little slice of paradise; this brightly-hued hybrid tea features splendid blossoms starting from high centered orange yellow... 705 Add To MyWish List Touch of Class Rose Rosa 'Touch of Class' Plant Type: shrub Height: 5 feet Spread: 4 feet Sunlight: full sun A little slice of paradise; this brightly-hued hybrid tea features splendid blossoms starting from high centered buds and open to... 706 Add To MyWish List Tropicana Rose Rosa 'Tropicana' Plant Type: shrub Height: 5 feet Spread: 4 feet Sunlight: full sun This classic hybrid tea rose introduced in 1960 is a very popular choice with its beautiful coral blooms that are well suited for... 707 Add To MyWish List Veteran's Honor Rose Rosa 'Veteran's Honor' Plant Type: shrub Height: 5 feet Spread: 4 feet Sunlight: full sun A captivating variety that produces beautiful deep red double blooms that really stand out in the garden; needs full sun and... 708 Add To MyWish List Oh My! Rose Rosa 'WEKcisfribo' Plant Type: shrub Height: 4 feet Spread: 4 feet Sunlight: full sun Clusters of velvety red, large ruffled blooms against the shiny, deep green foliage for a visually stunning display; strong stems... 709 Add To MyWish List Neil Diamond Rose Rosa 'WEKdereroro' Plant Type: shrub Height: 5 feet Spread: 4 feet Sunlight: full sun A stunning variety with hot pink-red blooms striped with white and an intense, sweet classic rose fragrance; excellent for... 710 Add To MyWish List Julia Child® Rose Rosa 'WEKvosstuno' Plant Type: shrub Height: 3 feet Spread: 3 feet Sunlight: full sun A lovely and even buttery gold coloring, and the licorice candy fragrance compliment the perfectly rounded habit, superior glossy... << 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 >> Site Map | Site Map XML A NetPS Plant Finder tool