Plant Finder Search For More Plants View My Wish List Wish List Help Results 701 to 710 of 1371 Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page 701 Add To MyWish List Hope Hosta Hosta 'Hope' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 6 inches Flower Height: 12 inches Spacing: 8 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A medium green leaf center that matures darker green, with irregular gold edges; leaf is rounded and heart shaped; spikes of dark... 702 Add To MyWish List Shadowland® Hudson Bay Hosta Hosta 'Hudson Bay' Plant Type: perennial Height: 24 inches Spacing: 20 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade An outstanding white center with wide sea green margins and streaked with light green; leaves are a rounded heart shape, lightly... 703 Add To MyWish List Independence Hosta Hosta 'Independence' Plant Type: perennial Height: 22 inches Spacing: 16 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade This variety produces extraordinary foliage that is deep green and blue-green in the center, with a wide white margin speckled in... 704 Add To MyWish List Ivory Coast Hosta Hosta 'Ivory Coast' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 20 inches Flower Height: 3 feet Spacing: 20 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A blue-green leaf center with wide, rippled yellow margins that age to cream; leaf is rounded and heart shaped; spikes of... 705 Add To MyWish List June Hosta Hosta 'June' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 18 inches Flower Height: 24 inches Spacing: 30 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A lovely compact, variegated variety featuring dense mounds of blue-green , heart-shaped foliage splashed with bright yellow and... 706 Add To MyWish List Komodo Dragon Hosta Hosta 'Komodo Dragon' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 30 inches Flower Height: 4 feet Spacing: 6 feet Sunlight: shade to partial shade A huge variety that forms a mound of very large, dark green leaves that are nicely ribbed ; spikes of lavender flowers in... 707 Add To MyWish List Krossa Regal Hosta Hosta 'Krossa Regal' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 3 feet Flower Height: 4 feet Spacing: 4 feet Sunlight: shade to partial shade A wonderful selection perfect for shaded borders and beds; features upright, arching mounds of soft gray-blue foliage with heavy... 708 Add To MyWish List Lemon Lime Hosta Hosta 'Lemon Lime' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 12 inches Flower Height: 18 inches Spacing: 20 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A vigorous and low maintenance selection great for shaded beds, borders and containers; foliage emerges bright yellow,... 709 Add To MyWish List Liberty Hosta Hosta 'Liberty' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 15 inches Flower Height: 28 inches Spacing: 30 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade Slow to establish, this mid-sized variety features thick, heart-shaped blue green foliage with wide and irregular golden yellow... 710 Add To MyWish List Love Pat Hosta Hosta 'Love Pat' Plant Type: perennial Plant Height: 18 inches Flower Height: 24 inches Spacing: 30 inches Sunlight: shade to partial shade A lovely mid-sized variety featuring large mounds of thick, heavily corrugated and textured blue-green foliage; white flowers... << 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 >> Site Map | Site Map XML A NetPS Plant Finder tool