Plant Finder Search For More Plants View My Wish List Wish List Help Results 71 to 80 of 182 Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page 71 Add To MyWish List White Cloud Flowering Dogwood Cornus florida 'White Cloud' Plant Type: tree Height: 30 feet Spread: 35 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A choice small specimen tree, loved for its large yet delicate white blooms in spring and excellent wide-spreading form;... 72 Add To MyWish List Chinese Dogwood Cornus kousa Plant Type: tree Height: 25 feet Spread: 25 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A truly beautiful specimen tree for the home landscape, with large, showy white flowers in spring and a strongly horizontal habit... 73 Add To MyWish List National Chinese Dogwood Cornus kousa 'National' Plant Type: tree Height: 25 feet Spread: 25 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun An impressive vase shaped variety with deep green foliage turning burgundy in fall; showy white flowers in spring and an upright... 74 Add To MyWish List Satomi Chinese Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Satomi' Plant Type: tree Height: 25 feet Spread: 25 feet Sunlight: shade to full sun A truly beautiful specimen tree for the home landscape, with large, showy deep pink flowers in spring and a strongly horizontal... 75 Add To MyWish List Starlight Chinese Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Starlight' Plant Type: tree Height: 30 feet Spread: 25 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A vigorous and more upright but broadly spreading, densely branched dogwood; has beautiful large white bracts that last for... 76 Add To MyWish List Chinese Dogwood Cornus kousa 'var. chinensis' Plant Type: tree Height: 30 feet Spread: 25 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A lovely shrubby and broad spreading dogwood with large white bracts; late spring blooms last for several weeks; covered in... 77 Add To MyWish List Common Persimmon Diospyros virginiana Plant Type: tree Height: 40 feet Spread: 35 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A beautiful multi-stemmed fruit tree that is sometimes single stemmed; production of fruit requires both male and female trees;... 78 Add To MyWish List Russian Olive Elaeagnus angustifolia Plant Type: tree Height: 25 feet Spread: 20 feet Sunlight: full sun An excellent small tree for color contrast use, with true silver foliage all season long; also features subtle yellow flowers... 79 Add To MyWish List American Beech Fagus grandifolia Plant Type: tree Height: 70 feet Spread: 50 feet Sunlight: full sun A natural beauty, one of the most stately large shade trees you can have in your yard; rather particular about growing conditions... 80 Add To MyWish List Purple Beech Fagus sylvatica 'Atropunicea' Plant Type: tree Height: 60 feet Spread: 45 feet Sunlight: full sun An incredible accent tree with deep purple-green foliage throughout the season, a most stately specimen; quite particular about... << 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 >> Site Map | Site Map XML A NetPS Plant Finder tool