Plant Finder Search For More Plants View My Wish List Wish List Help Results 21 to 30 of 414 Click on any of the results to view the corresponding Plant Information Page 21 Add To MyWish List John Baldwin Boxwood Buxus microphylla 'John Baldwin' Plant Type: shrub Height: 4 feet Spread: 4 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun Has a tighter, upright habit making it ideal for formal hedges or topiary; leaves are glossy green and blue tinged; takes pruning... 22 Add To MyWish List Japanese Boxwood Buxus microphylla 'var. japonica' Plant Type: shrub Height: 5 feet Spread: 4 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A versatile broadleaf evergreen landscape shrub which takes pruning exceptionally well, can be shaped and sheared into formal... 23 Add To MyWish List Korean Boxwood Buxus microphylla 'var. koreana' Plant Type: shrub Height: 4 feet Spread: 4 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun This is the hardiest species of boxwood, an extremely versatile shrub that's ideal for small and formal hedges or topiary, takes... 24 Add To MyWish List Wintergreen Boxwood Buxus microphylla 'Wintergreen' Plant Type: shrub Height: 3 feet Spread: 3 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun One of the very hardiest of the broadleaf evergreens, small rounded and compact growth habit, excellent for low hedges or detail... 25 Add To MyWish List Common Boxwood Buxus sempervirens Plant Type: shrub Height: 15 feet Spread: 15 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun Probably the plant of choice for all kinds of hedges and topiary as it takes pruning exceptionally well, a broadleaf evergreen... 26 Add To MyWish List Common Boxwood (spiral) Buxus sempervirens '(spiral)' Plant Type: shrub Height: 10 feet Spread: 30 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun An excellent specimen plant to form a spiral topiary, as it takes pruning exceptionally well, a broadleaf evergreen that's best... 27 Add To MyWish List Golden Variegated Boxwood Buxus sempervirens 'Aureovariegata' Plant Type: shrub Height: 8 feet Spread: 8 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A stunning broadleaf evergreen with small creamy white-edged leaves, makes a spectacular color accent in the garden, takes... 28 Add To MyWish List Dee Runk Boxwood Buxus sempervirens 'Dee Runk' Plant Type: shrub Height: 8 feet Spread: 24 inches Sunlight: partial shade to full sun Has a more columnar habit than other boxwoods; its narrow shape make it ideal for formal hedges or topiary or for vertical... 29 Add To MyWish List Variegated Boxwood Buxus sempervirens 'Elegantissima' Plant Type: shrub Height: 6 feet Spread: 6 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun A stunning broadleaf evergreen with small creamy white-edged leaves, makes a spectacular color accent in the garden, takes... 30 Add To MyWish List Fastigiata Boxwood Buxus sempervirens 'Fastigiata' Plant Type: shrub Height: 12 feet Spread: 5 feet Sunlight: partial shade to full sun Has a more tree-like habit than other boxwoods; its narrow, conical shape make it ideal for formal hedges or topiary or for... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 >> Site Map | Site Map XML A NetPS Plant Finder tool